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Crystal structure of the complex between human FMRP RGG motif and G-quadruplex RNA, iridium hexammine bound form.

Results of the assignment of 68 detected steps in 1 model(s), can be also downloaded as csv or json file. Average confal 0, percentile 0.

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Click a row in table or a step in viewer for analysis of results. Click column headers to sort data.
Define restraints for steps within Å cartesian RMSD, global sigma scaling factor or use per step sigma scaling.
step numberStep nameCANANtCconfalrmsd
015de8_A_G1_C2AAAAA00870.20 AA00
025de8_A_C2_U3AAAAA00880.20 AA00
035de8_A_U3_G4AAAAA00810.20 AA00
045de8_A_G4_C5AAAAA00440.29 AA00
055de8_A_C5_G6NANNANT00.82 IC03
065de8_A_G6_G7NANNANT00.86 ZZ1S
075de8_A_G7_U8NANNANT00.64 AA00
085de8_A_U8_G9A-BAB05880.17 AB05
095de8_A_G9_U10NANNANT01.63 OP17
105de8_A_U10_G11NANNANT01.98 OP13
115de8_A_G11_G12A-BAB05680.32 AB05
125de8_A_G12_A13NANNANT00.94 OP18
135de8_A_A13_A14NANNANT02.33 OP1S
145de8_A_A14_G15NANNANT00.76 OPS1
155de8_A_G15_G16A-BAB05670.20 AB05
165de8_A_G16_A17NANNANT00.44 IC06
175de8_A_A17_G18NANNANT01.28 OP23
185de8_A_G18_U19NANNANT00.88 OP14
195de8_A_U19_G20NANNANT00.52 OP21
205de8_A_G20_G21A-BAB05590.25 AB05
215de8_A_G21_C22NANNANT01.71 OP17
225de8_A_C22_U23NANNANT01.38 OP14
235de8_A_U23_G24AAuAA12670.24 AA12
245de8_A_G24_G25AAAAA08850.25 AA08
255de8_A_G25_G26ZZZZZ01760.22 ZZ01
265de8_A_G26_U27NANNANT01.19 OP16
275de8_A_U27_U28NANNANT02.00 OP20
285de8_A_U28_G29OPNOP15470.45 OP15
295de8_A_G29_C30AAAAA08300.29 AA08
305de8_A_C30_G31AAAAA00710.18 AA00
315de8_A_G31_C32AAAAA00820.13 AA00
325de8_A_C32_A33AAAAA00830.17 AA00
335de8_A_A33_G34AAAAA00830.17 AA00
345de8_A_G34_C35AAAAA04810.30 AA04
355de8_C_G1_C2AAAAA00820.26 AA00
365de8_C_C2_U3AAAAA00810.30 AA00
375de8_C_U3_G4AAAAA00720.26 AA00
385de8_C_G4_C5AAAAA00490.29 AA00
395de8_C_C5_G6NANNANT00.83 IC03
405de8_C_G6_G7NANNANT01.54 BA16
415de8_C_G7_U8NANNANT00.67 AA00
425de8_C_U8_G9A-BAB05890.17 AB05
435de8_C_G9_U10NANNANT00.78 OP14
445de8_C_U10_G11NANNANT00.44 OP21
455de8_C_G11_G12A-BAB05760.25 AB05
465de8_C_G12_A13NANNANT02.09 OP06
475de8_C_A13_A14NANNANT01.05 OP30
485de8_C_A14_G15NANNANT00.78 AAS1
495de8_C_G15_G16NANNANT00.51 AB02
505de8_C_G16_A17NANNANT00.42 IC06
515de8_C_A17_G18NANNANT01.24 OP23
525de8_C_G18_U19NANNANT01.29 OP18
535de8_C_U19_G20NANNANT00.43 OP21
545de8_C_G20_G21BBwBB16700.54 BB16
555de8_C_G21_C22NANNANT01.29 OP19
565de8_C_C22_U23NANNANT00.55 OP01
575de8_C_U23_G24NANNANT02.52 OP16
585de8_C_G24_G25AAwAA11470.32 AA11
595de8_C_G25_G26ZZZZZ01310.40 ZZ01
605de8_C_G26_U27NANNANT01.28 OP17
615de8_C_U27_U28NANNANT00.76 OP06
625de8_C_U28_G29OPNOP15440.46 OP15
635de8_C_G29_C30NANNANT00.94 AA11
645de8_C_C30_G31AAAAA08810.29 AA08
655de8_C_G31_C32AAAAA00830.13 AA00
665de8_C_C32_A33AAAAA00820.15 AA00
675de8_C_A33_G34AAAAA00720.22 AA00
685de8_C_G34_C35AAAAA04500.41 AA04

Steps with non-standard or missing atoms have not been assigned, description of conformers is defined in the table.
Definition of torsion angles
Table of conformers

Δ torsions
torsion scores

commentsstep confal = NaN
cartesian RMSD = NaN Å
pseudorotation: NA
details: NA
Similarity of step to class averages


Results as csv or json file.
Best NtC fitted to input structure.


Restraints file for REFMAC (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å)
Commands file for MMB (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å)
Restraints file for Phenix (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å) [?]


Average parameters (csv), esd values (csv), and Cartesian coordinates of conformers.

Download the papers

Description of DNATCO server:
Černý et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 44, W284 (2016).
Definition of conformers:
Schneider et al., Acta Cryst D, 74, 52-64 (2018).
Example of application:
Schneider et al., Genes, 8(10), 278, (2017).

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