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Crystal structure of the A.fulgidus CCA-adding enzyme in complex with a G70A arginyl-tRNA minihelix ending in CCACCA

Results of the assignment of 94 detected steps in 1 model(s), can be also downloaded as csv or json file. Average confal 0, percentile 0.

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Click a row in table or a step in viewer for analysis of results. Click column headers to sort data.
Define restraints for steps within Å cartesian RMSD, global sigma scaling factor or use per step sigma scaling.
step numberStep nameCANANtCconfalrmsd
014x4t_B_G1_G2AAAAA00800.15 AA00
024x4t_B_G2_C3AAAAA00970.10 AA00
034x4t_B_C3_C4AAAAA00910.16 AA00
044x4t_B_C4_G5AAAAA00920.12 AA00
054x4t_B_G5_C6AAwAA06590.21 AA06
064x4t_B_C6_G7AAAAA00510.29 AA00
074x4t_B_G7_G8AAAAA00800.15 AA00
084x4t_B_G8_C9AAAAA00750.15 AA00
094x4t_B_C9_A10AAAAA00830.14 AA00
104x4t_B_A10_G11AAwAA01670.24 AA01
114x4t_B_G11_G12AAAAA00770.15 AA00
124x4t_B_G12_5BU13AAAAA00770.23 AA00
134x4t_B_5BU13_U14AAAAA00550.38 AA00
144x4t_B_U14_C15OPNOP04860.15 OP04
154x4t_B_C15_G16AAAAA00750.28 AA00
164x4t_B_G16_A17ICLIC04810.22 IC04
174x4t_B_A17_A18NANNANT00.66 OP25
184x4t_B_A18_U19NANNANT00.40 AAS1
194x4t_B_U19_C20NANNANT00.35 OP12
204x4t_B_C20_C21AAwAA06700.32 AA06
214x4t_B_C21_5BU22AAAAA00300.35 AA00
224x4t_B_5BU22_G23AAAAA00860.17 AA00
234x4t_B_G23_C24AAAAA00930.11 AA00
244x4t_B_C24_C25AAwAA01470.23 AA01
254x4t_B_C25_G26AAAAA00630.26 AA00
264x4t_B_G26_C27AAAAA00910.15 AA00
274x4t_B_C27_G28AAwAA01130.28 AA01
284x4t_B_G28_A.B29AAAAA00750.16 AA00
294x4t_B_A.B29_5BU.B30AAAAA00580.17 AA00
304x4t_B_5BU.B30_C.B31AAAAA00610.21 AA00
314x4t_B_G.A32_C.A33AAAAA00810.20 AA00
324x4t_B_C.A33_C.A34AAAAA00910.17 AA00
334x4t_D_G1_G2NANNANT00.38 AA06
344x4t_D_G2_C3AAAAA08920.10 AA08
354x4t_D_C3_C4AAAAA00950.13 AA00
364x4t_D_C4_G5AAAAA00920.15 AA00
374x4t_D_G5_C6AAAAA00950.14 AA00
384x4t_D_C6_G7AAwAA01490.28 AA01
394x4t_D_G7_G8AAAAA08700.23 AA08
404x4t_D_G8_C9AAAAA00930.15 AA00
414x4t_D_C9_A10AAAAA00850.17 AA00
424x4t_D_A10_G11AAwAA01700.26 AA01
434x4t_D_G11_G12AAwAA01260.32 AA01
444x4t_D_G12_5BU13AAAAA08410.33 AA08
454x4t_D_5BU13_U14AAAAA08850.18 AA08
464x4t_D_U14_C15OPNOP04820.22 OP04
474x4t_D_C15_G16AAAAA08820.14 AA08
484x4t_D_G16_A17AAwAA01740.23 AA01
494x4t_D_U19_C20AAAAA00800.31 AA00
504x4t_D_C20_C21AAwAA01220.35 AA01
514x4t_D_C21_5BU22NANNANT00.77 AA11
524x4t_D_5BU22_G23AAAAA08810.23 AA08
534x4t_D_G23_C24AAAAA00850.17 AA00
544x4t_D_C24_C25AAAAA00600.26 AA00
554x4t_D_C25_G26NANNANT00.53 AA01
564x4t_D_G26_C27AAAAA04810.24 AA04
574x4t_D_C27_G28AAAAA00820.21 AA00
584x4t_D_G28_G32AAAAA00860.20 AA00
594x4t_D_G32_C33AAAAA00970.14 AA00
604x4t_D_C33_C34AAAAA00570.28 AA00
614x4t_G_G.A1_G.A2AAAAA08780.21 AA08
624x4t_G_G.B1_G.B2AAAAA00870.14 AA00
634x4t_G_G.A2_C.A3AAAAA00910.10 AA00
644x4t_G_G.B2_C.B3AAwAA01610.24 AA01
654x4t_G_C.A3_C.A4AAAAA00890.12 AA00
664x4t_G_C.B3_C.B4AAAAA08890.09 AA08
674x4t_G_C.A4_G.A5AAAAA04910.15 AA04
684x4t_G_C.B4_G.B5AAAAA00730.18 AA00
694x4t_G_G.A5_C.A6AAAAA00910.12 AA00
704x4t_G_G.B5_C.B6NANNANT00.35 AA06
714x4t_G_C.A6_G.A7AAAAA00950.18 AA00
724x4t_G_C.B6_G.B7AAAAA04800.31 AA04
734x4t_G_G.A7_G.A8AAAAA00700.18 AA00
744x4t_G_G.B7_G.B8AAAAA00930.16 AA00
754x4t_G_G.A8_C.A9AAAAA00620.18 AA00
764x4t_G_G.B8_C.B9AAAAA00830.20 AA00
774x4t_G_G.A23_C.A24AAAAA00820.18 AA00
784x4t_G_G.B23_C.B24AAAAA00850.13 AA00
794x4t_G_C.A24_C.A25AAwAA01720.18 AA01
804x4t_G_C.B24_C.B25AAAAA00750.20 AA00
814x4t_G_C.A25_G.A26AAAAA00780.17 AA00
824x4t_G_C.B25_G.B26NANNANT00.43 AA10
834x4t_G_G.A26_C.A27AAAAA00750.14 AA00
844x4t_G_G.B26_C.B27NANNANT00.38 AA01
854x4t_G_C.A27_G.A28NANNANT00.33 AA06
864x4t_G_C.B27_G.B28AAAAA00340.38 AA00
874x4t_G_G.A28_A.A29AAAAA00590.24 AA00
884x4t_G_G.B28_G.B29NANNANT00.42 AA01
894x4t_G_A.A29_5BU.A30AAAAA00900.15 AA00
904x4t_G_G.B29_C.B30AAAAA08710.31 AA08
914x4t_G_5BU.A30_C.A31AAAAA00720.23 AA00
924x4t_G_C.B30_C.B31AAAAA00430.30 AA00
934x4t_H_C1_G2A-BAB05810.28 AB05
944x4t_I_G1_G2NANNANT00.92 AA03

Steps with non-standard or missing atoms have not been assigned, description of conformers is defined in the table.
Definition of torsion angles
Table of conformers

Δ torsions
torsion scores

commentsstep confal = NaN
cartesian RMSD = NaN Å
pseudorotation: NA
details: NA
Similarity of step to class averages


Results as csv or json file.
Best NtC fitted to input structure.


Restraints file for REFMAC (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å)
Commands file for MMB (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å)
Restraints file for Phenix (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å) [?]


Average parameters (csv), esd values (csv), and Cartesian coordinates of conformers.

Download the papers

Description of DNATCO server:
Černý et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 44, W284 (2016).
Definition of conformers:
Schneider et al., Acta Cryst D, 74, 52-64 (2018).
Example of application:
Schneider et al., Genes, 8(10), 278, (2017).

Browse conformers

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