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Structural basis for cooperative binding of Ribbon-Helix-Helix Omega repressor to direct DNA heptad repeats

Results of the assignment of 66 detected steps in 1 model(s), can be also downloaded as csv or json file. Average confal 0, percentile 0.

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Click a row in table or a step in viewer for analysis of results. Click column headers to sort data.
Define restraints for steps within Å cartesian RMSD, global sigma scaling factor or use per step sigma scaling.
step numberStep nameCANANtCconfalrmsd
012bnw_E_DG1_DA2A-BAB01520.25 AB01
022bnw_E_DA2_DA3BBBBB01810.19 BB01
032bnw_E_DA3_DT4BBBBB01860.19 BB01
042bnw_E_DT4_DC5BBBBB00580.27 BB00
052bnw_E_DC5_DA6miBBB15140.48 BB15
062bnw_E_DA6_DC7B12BB04210.28 BB04
072bnw_E_DC7_DA8B12BB04290.19 BB04
082bnw_E_DA8_DA9BBBBB00290.32 BB00
092bnw_E_DA9_DA10BBBBB01850.15 BB01
102bnw_E_DA10_DT11BBBBB01650.28 BB01
112bnw_E_DT11_DC12BBBBB00670.23 BB00
122bnw_E_DC12_DA13BBBBB00690.35 BB00
132bnw_E_DA13_DC14BB2BB07650.28 BB07
142bnw_E_DC14_DA15NANNANT00.36 BB15
152bnw_E_DA15_DA16BBBBB00500.15 BB00
162bnw_E_DA16_DG17B-ABA08100.41 BA08
172bnw_F_DC19_DT20NANNANT00.41 BB16
182bnw_F_DT20_DT21BBBBB00880.15 BB00
192bnw_F_DT21_DG22BBBBB00650.25 BB00
202bnw_F_DG22_DT23BBBBB00990.12 BB00
212bnw_F_DT23_DG24B12BB04550.35 BB04
222bnw_F_DG24_DA25BBBBB00900.20 BB00
232bnw_F_DA25_DT26B-ABA05800.18 BA05
242bnw_F_DT26_DT27BBBBB01570.33 BB01
252bnw_F_DT27_DT28BBBBB01730.18 BB01
262bnw_F_DT28_DG29BBBBB00660.24 BB00
272bnw_F_DG29_DT30BBBBB00880.17 BB00
282bnw_F_DT30_DG31BB2BB07770.36 BB07
292bnw_F_DG31_DA32BBBBB00630.20 BB00
302bnw_F_DA32_DT33B-ABA05820.20 BA05
312bnw_F_DT33_DT34BBBBB01570.26 BB01
322bnw_F_DT34_DC35BBBBB00650.31 BB00
332bnw_F_DC35_DG36NANNANT00.48 BB04
342bnw_G_DG1_DA2BB2BB07530.55 BB07
352bnw_G_DA2_DA3BBBBB00670.23 BB00
362bnw_G_DA3_DT4BBBBB00840.17 BB00
372bnw_G_DT4_DC5NANNANT00.54 AB02
382bnw_G_DC5_DA6NANNANT00.52 BB17
392bnw_G_DA6_DC7NANNANT00.51 BB07
402bnw_G_DC7_DA8BB2BB07210.19 BB07
412bnw_G_DA8_DA9BB2BB07420.35 BB07
422bnw_G_DA9_DA10NANNANT00.52 BB08
432bnw_G_DA10_DT11BBwBB16620.52 BB16
442bnw_G_DT11_DC12BBBBB01820.19 BB01
452bnw_G_DC12_DA13NANNANT00.30 BB10
462bnw_G_DA13_DC14B-ABA17620.34 BA17
472bnw_G_DC14_DA15miBBB14650.29 BB14
482bnw_G_DA15_DA16miBBB14200.47 BB14
492bnw_G_DA16_DG17NANNANT00.58 AB02
502bnw_H_DC19_DT20NANNANT00.58 BB10
512bnw_H_DT20_DT21miBBB14440.47 BB14
522bnw_H_DT21_DG22B12BB04660.33 BB04
532bnw_H_DG22_DT23BBBBB00880.25 BB00
542bnw_H_DT23_DG24miBBB10480.23 BB10
552bnw_H_DG24_DA25miBBB14890.27 BB14
562bnw_H_DA25_DT26BBwBB11620.26 BB11
572bnw_H_DT26_DT27NANNANT00.37 BB10
582bnw_H_DT27_DT28miBBB14810.29 BB14
592bnw_H_DT28_DG29miBBB10640.29 BB10
602bnw_H_DG29_DT30NANNANT00.37 BB17
612bnw_H_DT30_DG31NANNANT00.49 AB02
622bnw_H_DG31_DA32BBBBB00650.21 BB00
632bnw_H_DA32_DT33BBBBB00850.16 BB00
642bnw_H_DT33_DT34miBBB10460.39 BB10
652bnw_H_DT34_DC35BBBBB00290.38 BB00
662bnw_H_DC35_DG36NANNANT00.53 BB04

Steps with non-standard or missing atoms have not been assigned, description of conformers is defined in the table.
Definition of torsion angles
Table of conformers

Δ torsions
torsion scores

commentsstep confal = NaN
cartesian RMSD = NaN Å
pseudorotation: NA
details: NA
Similarity of step to class averages


Results as csv or json file.
Best NtC fitted to input structure.


Restraints file for REFMAC (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å)
Commands file for MMB (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å)
Restraints file for Phenix (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å) [?]


Average parameters (csv), esd values (csv), and Cartesian coordinates of conformers.

Download the papers

Description of DNATCO server:
Černý et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 44, W284 (2016).
Definition of conformers:
Schneider et al., Acta Cryst D, 74, 52-64 (2018).
Example of application:
Schneider et al., Genes, 8(10), 278, (2017).

Browse conformers

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