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How CCA is added to the 3' end of immature tRNA without the use of an oligonucleotide template

Results of the assignment of 67 detected steps in 1 model(s), can be also downloaded as csv or json file. Average confal 0, percentile 0.

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Click a row in table or a step in viewer for analysis of results. Click column headers to sort data.
Define restraints for steps within Å cartesian RMSD, global sigma scaling factor or use per step sigma scaling.
step numberStep nameCANANtCconfalrmsd
011tfy_E_G1_C2AAAAA08650.20 AA08
021tfy_E_C2_G3AAAAA00880.11 AA00
031tfy_E_G3_G4AAAAA08770.23 AA08
041tfy_E_G4_A5AAAAA00910.12 AA00
051tfy_E_A5_U6AAAAA00900.11 AA00
061tfy_E_U6_A7AAAAA08880.26 AA08
071tfy_E_A7_U8AAAAA00750.18 AA00
081tfy_E_U8_C9AAAAA00610.28 AA00
091tfy_E_C9_C10AAAAA04740.36 AA04
101tfy_E_C10_G11AAAAA00680.28 AA00
111tfy_E_G11_C12NANNANT00.62 AA04
121tfy_E_C12_G13NANNANT00.55 AA05
131tfy_H_G61_C62NANNANT00.50 AA02
141tfy_H_C62_G63AAAAA00680.27 AA00
151tfy_H_G63_G64NANNANT00.44 AA10
161tfy_H_G64_A65AAAAA00560.36 AA00
171tfy_H_A65_U66AAAAA00780.21 AA00
181tfy_H_U66_A67NANNANT00.38 AA06
191tfy_H_A67_U68AAAAA08850.19 AA08
201tfy_H_U68_C69AAAAA00810.14 AA00
211tfy_H_C69_C70AAAAA00350.32 AA00
221tfy_H_C70_G71AAAAA03440.20 AA03
231tfy_H_G71_C72AAAAA00590.20 AA00
241tfy_H_C72_A73NANNANT00.42 AB04
251tfy_H_A73_C74NANNANT00.44 OP12
261tfy_F_G1_C2AAAAA08570.24 AA08
271tfy_F_C2_G3AAAAA04840.21 AA04
281tfy_F_G3_G4AAAAA08900.15 AA08
291tfy_F_G4_A5AAAAA00950.10 AA00
301tfy_F_A5_U6AAAAA00810.17 AA00
311tfy_F_U6_A7AAAAA00610.23 AA00
321tfy_F_A7_U8AAAAA08940.19 AA08
331tfy_F_U8_C9AAAAA00670.25 AA00
341tfy_F_C9_C10AAAAA00670.24 AA00
351tfy_F_C10_G11AAAAA04780.28 AA04
361tfy_F_G11_C12NANNANT00.71 AA06
371tfy_F_C12_G13NANNANT00.89 AA08
381tfy_I_G61_C62NANNANT00.42 AA04
391tfy_I_C62_G63AAAAA08150.48 AA08
401tfy_I_G63_G64AAAAA08570.20 AA08
411tfy_I_G64_A65AAAAA00580.29 AA00
421tfy_I_A65_U66AAAAA03700.17 AA03
431tfy_I_U66_A67NANNANT00.49 AA10
441tfy_I_A67_U68AAAAA08950.15 AA08
451tfy_I_U68_C69AAAAA00920.15 AA00
461tfy_I_C69_C70AAAAA00290.26 AA00
471tfy_I_C70_G71AAAAA08780.23 AA08
481tfy_I_G71_C72AAAAA00730.17 AA00
491tfy_I_C72_A73NANNANT00.40 AA04
501tfy_I_A73_C74NANNANT00.41 OP12
511tfy_G_C3_G4NANNANT01.47 OPS1
521tfy_G_G4_G5AAAAA00630.45 AA00
531tfy_G_G5_A6AAAAA00560.22 AA00
541tfy_G_A6_U7AAwAA06360.32 AA06
551tfy_G_U7_C8AAAAA04800.27 AA04
561tfy_G_C8_C9NANNANT00.28 AA03
571tfy_G_C9_G10NANNANT00.40 AA06
581tfy_G_G10_C11AAAAA00780.19 AA00
591tfy_G_C11_A12AAAAA00610.26 AA00
601tfy_G_A12_C13AAwAA10350.53 AA10
611tfy_J_C61_G62AAAAA08570.23 AA08
621tfy_J_G62_C63AAAAA00700.21 AA00
631tfy_J_C63_G64AAAAA00780.18 AA00
641tfy_J_G64_G65AAAAA00960.11 AA00
651tfy_J_G65_A66AAAAA00540.19 AA00
661tfy_J_A66_U67AAAAA00620.28 AA00
671tfy_J_U67_C68NANNANT00.61 AA04

Steps with non-standard or missing atoms have not been assigned, description of conformers is defined in the table.
Definition of torsion angles
Table of conformers

Δ torsions
torsion scores

commentsstep confal = NaN
cartesian RMSD = NaN Å
pseudorotation: NA
details: NA
Similarity of step to class averages


Results as csv or json file.
Best NtC fitted to input structure.


Restraints file for REFMAC (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å)
Commands file for MMB (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å)
Restraints file for Phenix (steps with RMSD <= 0.5Å) [?]


Average parameters (csv), esd values (csv), and Cartesian coordinates of conformers.

Download the papers

Description of DNATCO server:
Černý et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 44, W284 (2016).
Definition of conformers:
Schneider et al., Acta Cryst D, 74, 52-64 (2018).
Example of application:
Schneider et al., Genes, 8(10), 278, (2017).

Browse conformers

Return up to random steps in PDB structures ( include large structures )


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